How to Load the Mp5 Beta Mag Airsoft

How to Load the Mp5 Beta Mag Airsoft

Written by Gregory Miller

With millions of enthusiasts around the world, airsoft is a pop sport in which participants eliminate i another by shooting opponents with guns that expel circular non-metallic pellets. Airsoft guns can exist powered by gas, electric gearboxes, or manually spring-loaded.

The sport of airsoft consists of 3 key components:

  • The participants
  • The equipment
  • The scenario/staging area

Practically anyone can bask airsoft. Information technology doesn't matter the age or gender, as long equally participants follow the safety protocols and step onto the field with a expert attitude anyone can participate.

Yous may be wondering what makes airsoft so appealing to and so many different types of people? That'southward simple; warfare has been a office of homo history since artifact. Over the centuries, flesh'southward fascination with war has led to the creation of state of war games and simulations. Airsoft falls into the category of "war simulation" where individuals emulate military scenarios and police actions with realistic replicas of existent-life firearms. Keep in mind, that airsoft is a fun and physically demanding sport when performed in a designated area (such as an airsoft field). Still, there have been individuals who chose to brandish their weapons as real firearms and were killed equally a result. "Never" take your weapon into a public surface area no matter the circumstances.

These images illustrate how realistic some airsoft replicas can be:


Imagine if a constabulary officeholder were to pull yous over and ane of these weapons were sitting in the passenger seat. Unless an individual were to examine your weapons closely, it's safe to assume that they would remember that it'southward real. You don't want to even consider the scenario of such an event.

Every bit the owner of an airsoft gun, it's your responsibility to apply mutual, sense. Always treat your airsoft guns as if they were the real affair. Common sense dictates to NEVER point a loaded airsoft gun at another person, NEVER take your weapon into an environment where information technology tin be mistaken for the real matter (such every bit a public area), E'er engage the condom on your weapon when you're not on an airsoft field, ALWAYS go along your weapon pointed at the ground unless y'all're ready to engage a target. These rules don't only employ to airsoft pistols and rifles, but too to grenades, mines, and condom knives. Maintaining this type of mindset will help you lot to avoid misfires and will keep y'all and everyone effectually you prophylactic.

Airsoft is a fun activity that'south available for everyone to participate. Even so, the rules must exist observed for the safety of both yourself and everyone around you.


When it comes to airsoft, safe is the proper name of the game. There are many rules and guidelines in place to ensure that you're equally safety every bit possible while you lot're out on the airsoft field. A large part of airsoft safety is the blazon of gear that you bring onto the field. With that being said, wearing a mask (such as the one below)


or goggles

Airsoft Gun

 is absolutely vital. Yous can run around blank-chested if you'd like (not recommended), but it's crucial that your eyes are protected at all times. Cheque out this mask for fantabulous protection for the face (insert image and link). Also, check out these goggles if you're looking to just protect your eyes.

Before we go any farther on the subject field of safety let's break downwards the safety ratings yous'll typically find in the world of airsoft:

  1. The ANSI z87.1-2003 rating denotes protection from a six.35mm steel ball traveling at 150 fps
  2. The ASTM F-1776-99 rating denotes protection of at least eleven.8 joules of impact (about the same equally a .68 quotient, 2.84-gram paintball traveling at 300 fps).

There are many different weights for airsoft ammunition, but by far the most popular is arguably the .20g round. Let's say, for example, that a .20g bb shot from a rifle travels at 300 fps. This will exert approximately 1J of forcefulness. If this bb were to strike your goggles or face mask, you would want something that would be able to take the striking. Goggles that meet either the ANSI or ASTM requirements are more than enough to handle most rounds fired from airsoft guns.


At that place are many laws and regulations in place to ensure that airsoft guns are used in a safe and respectable manner. In most cases, these laws are common sense and elementary to uphold. With that being said, here's a list you should examine closely before engaging in actions that may get in trouble with the law concerning airsoft guns.

  1. Equally mentioned previously, you should always care for your airsoft equipment equally if they were the real thing. It doesn't matter if you lot're handling a handgun, burglarize, hand grenade or rubber knife always proceed safety in heed. Your finger should be off the trigger and pointed away from other people with the safety engaged.
  2. To get your weapons from one place to another, you lot're going to have to transport them discretely. When moving your airsoft equipment identify them within a bag or unimposing case. This will avoid bystanders (they have no clue whether your weapons are real or not). Likewise, brand sure to keep your weapons unloaded at all times when traveling with your airsoft equipment.
  3. The moment the law go involved finish all activities. Slowly lower your weapons and raise your hands into the air and practise whatever the officers tell you to do. Trying to hide your guns or lying well-nigh what you're doing is a fantastic style to get yourself shot past the police
  4. When engaging in airsoft activities yous should just play on private state. Information technology's highly illegal to engage in an airsoft game in a public location (such as a public park). That's a sure fire way of getting the constabulary called on you. No ane wants to exist rounded upwardly past a SWAT squad over a game.
  5. Never point your weapon at an unarmed individual (unless for self-defense purposes). In many states, shooting or merely pointing an airsoft rifle at an unarmed private (not on an airsoft field) could be considered assault with a deadly weapon.
  6. Silencers that are not registered are illegal.

About Propane/Squeegee Gas

One of the classifications of airsoft guns is "gas powered" in which compressed gas is filtered into a gun. One of which is "Light-green Gas". As a side note, the owner of the visitor Airsoft Innovations, Carl, made a discovery that changed that the game was played; "Green Gas" was advertised as having a chemical composition of CH2FCF3CH3, just Carl discovered that it was equanimous of C3H8, AKA propane.

Despite this discovery, at that place have been many who remain skeptical of the safety use of propane in airsoft guns. Propane is indeed flammable, simply information technology'due south completely safe to run through a gas powered airsoft gun. In its gaseous form, propane is non-toxic and merely becomes lethal when it's inhaled in large quantities (in which propane suffocates the victim by displacing the air in the lungs). Though this sounds dangerous, this can only happen if an individual were exclusively inhaling large doses of propane. Too, this is much more then what y'all would demand to fire an airsoft gun.

Typically, propane volition combust to class CO2 and H2O. Even so, this is not always the instance. If there is a lack of oxygen, carbon monoxide, or oxide an incomplete combustion may take place. Every bit an airsoft player, you lot shouldn't have to worry near this happening. This type of state of affairs shouldn't occur in an airsoft setting.

There are ii major dissimilarities concerning Airsoft "Green Gas" and commercial propane:

  1. Propane contains a harmless smell that alerts the user that there is a leak ("Green Gas" doesn't accept this feature)
  2. "Green Gas" contains a silicone lubricant that propane doesn't

Because propane is a refrigerant, Non adding silicone lubricant may cause the gas operated weapon to "dry out out" which may atomic number 82 to functioning bug. To ready this problem, add silicone lubricant to the neck of propane bottles.

In that location are several reasons that propane is more appealing than "Dark-green Gas". For one, propane is far more readily available. Because of the weak canisters that they are housed in, "Light-green Gas" is illegal to ship through regular aircraft. Propane is also very cheap. You can typically buy them at $3 per canister as opposed to paying $12 per canister for "Green Gas". Propane is too easy to transport. Furthermore, some players prefer the smell of the leak detection smell as it simulates a gun smoke sell and helps to add realism to the game.

There are also "squeegee gas" adapters that further innovate the game. Simply attaching a duster gas adapter to a compressed gas canister that you'd use to clean your electronics will provide y'all with a viable substitute for HFC134A gas.

 Airsoft Rules & Etiquette

In the realm of airsoft, rules and etiquette are king. Considering airsoft rounds don't leave a physical mark when it strikes its target, it'south expected that every player will abide by the "honor system" in which individuals are expected to call themselves out when they're eliminated from the battle. In many cases, judges will be nowadays to assistance in this process.

Honor System

The honor system is the lifeblood of the airsoft community. Plastic bbs don't leave brightly covered marks on an opponent's trunk similar their paintball counterparts. Thus, it's expected that every thespian will bide by the honor system at all times no affair where you play the game.

The award arrangement is rather simple: the moment you're hit call yourself out and exit the field (unless otherwise directed). In many cases when players don't call themselves out it may be because they didn't feel the round hit them. Many players come equipped with heavy body armor that repels plastic bbs with ease. However, instead of screaming and arguing with someone over the subject, information technology's all-time to keep shooting them until they telephone call themselves out. That may audio cruel, but airsoft ammunition is cheap and overshooting a target is a better alternative to starting an argument that ruins the feel for anybody else!

If your opponent makes a habit of breaking the honor system, yous should strongly consider banning that person from the game (and perhaps future activities as well). Airsoft is a game for honorable players who honey having fun and who are honest. Breaking the honor system ruins the game for anybody.

Mandatory Rules

Yous'll find that rules vary depending on the scenario of the game as well as field to field. Despite this, there are a few rules that are mandatory no matter where you go or who you play with.

  1. Habiliment center protection at all times. Eye protection isn't a joke on the airsoft field. You should NEVER EVER go onto the field without eye protection. Furthermore, y'all should never remove your centre protection while engaging with other players. If you need to remove your heart protection for any reason while playing, raise your hand and let all other players know (in a loud voice) that you lot'll be removing your eye protection.
  2. The honor organization is non-negotiable. If yous're hit, call yourself out. Otherwise, you'll just ruin the game for all of the other players. Also, due to the aggressive nature of the game, y'all may finish upward getting overshot or worse however end up in a fistfight.
  3. Airsoft is all nigh laurels and respect. Never trash talk your enemy with malicious intent. It's i thing to engage in playful banter with your friends, but it's another to groovy a player for any number of reasons (gear, play style, etc.). Remember, airsoft is simply a game. Don't ruin the atmosphere by disrespecting your opponent.

Did you lot know?

One of the more than disquisitional aspects of an AEG is the version of the gearbox that it contains. Tokyo Marui, an airsoft manufacturer, classifies their gearboxes with a specific version number that describes their compatible aftermarket parts, shape, and part.

Gearbox Versions

V1 – The get-go version gearbox had a very specific goal in mind. Information technology was designed for the FAMAS F1 Tokyo Marui'southward commencement AEG. The V1 can only use a specialized motor called the EG560 and won't operate correctly with aftermarket parts without modifying the unabridged design. As of this fourth dimension, the Famas F1 is the merely gun to firm the V1 gearbox.

V2 – The V2 is one of the more straightforward designs in the market today and is also one of the virtually common. The V2 is an first-class gearbox for beginning time modders due to its simplistic design. There are numerous tutorials on how to change the V2 as well as many aftermarket parts bachelor for modders to choose from. The V2 isn't without problems. Issues with improper mounting and the abiding possibility that the gearbox shell may crack when used in tandem with a powerful mainspring led to the design of the more efficient V3 gearbox. Despite its shortcomings, the V2 gearbox is still widely used considering of how piece of cake information technology is to upgrade the organisation. The V2 tin can often be found in mutual weapons such as the M4 and the Mp5.

V3 – The V3 is seen as the crème of the crop as far as gearboxes go. Just like its predecessor, the V3 is used in many weapons and is cross compatible with the V2 on most every level. The V3, withal, has several improvements over the V2. One of the more notable improvements is the thicker shell that allows the V3 to handle stronger mainsprings. One unique design aspect of the V3 is the motor muzzle that secures the motor to the gearbox vanquish. This design very about eliminates the need to adapt motor height. The most mutual weapons that business firm the V3 gearbox are the G36, AK-47, and MP5K.

V4 – Whereas the V2 and V3 share many similarities the V1 and V4 besides share a similarity in the sense that the V4 is too a "specialty" gearbox and can only exist found in the PSG-1. What makes this pattern and so unique is the piston that cocks back earlier each shot, equally opposed to during each shot. This is a not bad aid to those who favor sniping. The V4 is rare, and there isn't much aftermarket support bachelor. Customized M4s accept been said to house the V4 gearbox.

V5 – The V5 was explicitly designed to work with the Uzi. The V5 isn't used in any other weapons to date.

V6 – The V6 is a next-generation gearbox that overhauls the V3 and V2 designs. The most meaning changes include the moving of all wires to the exterior of the gearbox too as the trigger mechanism. The V6 tin exist easily upgraded since the plastic wiring harness can be entirely removed from the gearbox. This also allows for the simple replacement of firing or wiring components. Just similar the V2 and V3 designs, y'all tin find the anti-reversal latch on the opposite side of the gears. The cylinder head nozzle, however, is positioned higher than previous designs. Nearly parts of the V6 are compatible with the V2 and V3 such as the cylinder, gears, jump guide, and piston. Weapons that sport a V6 gearbox are the Thompson M1A1 and the P90.

V7 -   The V7 is also a specialty gearbox, having been designed exclusively for the M14 rifle. Sharing similarities with the V6, the trigger machinery can be found on the outside, though there have been reports that the trigger mechanism of the V6 is much simpler than that of the V7.

V8 – it'southward understandable if you dislocated the V8 for the V2, only any in-depth inspection volition reveal minor differences in the design. These differences allow the V8 gearbox to engage in three round bursts, a simulation of a real firearm. The only weapon to carry a V8 gearbox is the Type 89.

 Specialty Weapons

At that place are times where your standard burglarize isn't plenty to get the task done, especially if that position is role specific. If y'all demand a bit of extra firepower, there are unabridged classifications of weapons to suit your needs.

Grenade Launchers

Most grenade launchers employ 40mm grenades. The launcher houses the shell and activates the 40mm grenade when launched. A pocket-sized push button rests on the base of the shell that's pressed down when the trigger is pulled on the grenade launcher. This expels the gas from the shell.

Regarding tactical usefulness, different grenade launchers fulfill various roles. Depending on the model and make, the cost and build fabric may vary from launcher to launcher.

 Modular Launchers

If you're looking to retain the usefulness of your primary weapon with the versatility and firepower of a grenade launcher y'all'll desire to invest in a modular launcher like the Lancer Tactical EGLM. In most cases, modular launchers are breech-loaded and require a reload with each shot.


 Stand up Lonely Launchers

Standalone grenade launchers are typically wielded by players who are dedicated to the role of grenadiers. Because standalone launchers aren't integrated with another weapon, they tend to reload much faster. The ICS-190 is an excellent example of a standalone grenade launcher. In most cases, standalone launchers tend to be more expensive than their modular counterparts though of grade this depends on the manufacturer and build textile.

• Muzzle Mounted Launchers

Muzzle mounted launchers are a special type of 40mm grenade round that screws onto guns with a threaded barrel. The circular is activated when the gun is fired, and the bb strikes the round.

Rocket Launchers

Despite the fact that some rocket launchers are designed to take 40mm grenade rounds (technically classifying them every bit grenade launchers), their aesthetical appearance classifies them as rocket launchers.

In most cases, rocket launchers aren't commonly manufactured by an airsoft company but are homemade weapons created by airsoft players. Despite this, rocket launchers do indeed exist but are typically tagged with a loftier toll tag.

Deep Fire M27 Launcher

This specific weapon is designed to burn 40mm grenade rounds. It'southward a realistic replica due to its total metal construction and has enough infinite to fit a 57mm nerf football.

Non-Firearm Weapons


Depending on the manufacturer you'll find different types of grenades that accept various functionalities and price. Well-nigh airsoft grenades can exist reused multiple times in most cases, but the design of some grenades only make them single use. All grenades are powered by compressed gas.

Deep Fire MK Two


  • Power Source: Up to Green Gas
  • Reusable: Yeah
  • Adaptable Timer: No
  • Max bb Load: Filled body
  • Build Material: ABS
  • No. of parts: 6
  • Manufacturer: Deep Fire
  • Approx. Price: $threescore.00

The Deep Burn MK Ii is based on the design of WWII era grenades. Like almost airsoft grenades, the shell of the Deep Burn MK Two separates from the body upon detonation, however, instead of splitting into two pieces, the shell sheds into four separate sections. Loading the grenade is relatively simple due to its blueprint, simply like most grenades, it has the drawback of many detachable parts.

Escort MK II


  • Ability Source: Upwards to Dark-green Gas
  • Reusable: Yes
  • Adjustable Timer: Aye
  • Max bb Load: 28
  • Build Cloth: ABS
  • No. of parts: 1
  • Manufacturer: Escort
  • Approx. Price: $55.00

The escort grenade is powered past gas and shoots in a directional pattern out of the lesser. The bbs outburst out later on the rubber plug attached to a cord is released. The cord may break afterward regular employ, but the only part that could exist actually lost is the pull-pin. Many players find this grenade impractical due to is directional fire pattern.

RAP4 Pineapple


  • Power Source: Up to Green Gas
  • Reusable: Yes
  • Adjustable Timer: Yep
  • Max bb Load: eight
  • Build Material: ABS
  • No. of parts: 6
  • Manufacturer: Real Action Paintball
  • Approx. Price $45.00

Being the most realistic grenade in the market isn't necessarily a proficient thing. The RAP4 tin can be loaded with bulletin board system also equally powder disks to simulate fume. One handy feature is that the internal timer tin can be adjusted between 1 to 8 seconds. Each time this grenade is fired, the condom seals must exist replaced. Likewise, the RAP4 Pineapple comes with six detachable parts which is considered to be a very high number.

Thunder B


  • Power Source: 12g CO2 canister
  • Reusable: Yes (kind of)
  • Adjustable: Timer No
  • Max bb Load: Filled body
  • Build Material: Thin plastic
  • No. of parts: 2
  • Manufacturer: Hakkotsu
  • Approx. Price: $35.00

The Thunder B is unlike from all of its counterparts in the sense that it uses non-reusable shells. When primed and activated, the Thunder B emits a powerful blast with only 2 detachable parts (the pull-pin and detonator). The Thunder B is activated by inserting a 12g Co2 cartridge (likely available at your local WalMart). After that, you lot can fill the grenade with whatever applicable ammo that yous wish. Thunder Bs are aptly named, equally they emit a massive explosion after a few seconds when the pin is pulled.

Airsoft Innovations Tornado and Crash


  • Ability Source: Up to Greenish Gas
  • Reusable: Yes
  • Adjustable Timer: Yep
  • Max bb Load: 180
  • Build Textile: Nylon Polymer
  • No. of parts: 1
  • Manufacturer: Airsoft Innovations
  • Approx. Price: $99.00

The tornado isn't exactly the most realistic grenade out there, but it is by far the most popular. Not only does it only have one detachable part (the pull pin), only information technology's the only airsoft grenade that has a safety feature. You can engage this feature by removing the screw on cap from the bottom thus rendering information technology safe. Many airsoft players agree that the Tornado is the best manus grenade available in the market today.




Mines are a very viable weapon on the airsoft field. They're both unique and functional and work bang-up for ambushes.

M181 Claymore


  • Power Source: Spring/9v battery
  • Reusable: Yes
  • Activation: Tripwire/Remote
  • Max bb Load: Filled body
  • Build Textile: ABS
  • Manufacturer: Chortle
  • Approx. Price: $125.00

Just like its real-life counterpart, the claymore mine emits a powerful blast when activated, spraying bbs upwards to 30ft abroad. Using tripwire or remote detonation is a great fashion to keep your enemies on their toes at all times.

Mad Bull Powder Shot


  • Power Source: Up to CO2
  • Reusable: Yep
  • Activation: Pace on it
  • Max bb Load: 0 (powder)
  • Build Material: ABS
  • Manufacturer: Mad Balderdash
  • Approx. Price: $50.00

This mine doesn't take any ammunition simply is instead filled with powder (such as flour), and then that when enough pressure is applied to the top, it volition explode everywhere. Reportedly, this mine tin can be stepped on multiple times without being set off due to its composition of high-bear upon ABS. This mine is most the size of a CD, and then its usefulness may exist limited.


Knives are always fun to bring to an airsoft battle, just real knives fabricated of steel are never allowed on the airsoft field.

Airsoft knives are used to "tap out" other players. Some rubber knives can be very realistic. Every bit such, knives brought onto the airsoft field should exist both soft and flexible enough to avoid injuring someone in the issue of a close quarters engagement. In nearly cases, safety knives are perfectly fine to apply.

You'll detect that players can be very artistic when using knives on the airsoft field. Knives fabricated of duct tape, foam or even cardboard have been used in airsoft matches around the world. Plastic should be avoided due to its hardened limerick.

Airsoft Ammunition


Whether you hold or non, the quality of your ammo tin make or break your team'due south ability to win an airsoft game. Remember, not all ammo is created equal on the field of boxing. In fact, if you lot utilize the incorrect blazon of ammo with the wrong kind of gun, you could cause harm to the weapon itself.

Most bbs mensurate around 6mm in size whereas most weapons have an inner barrel that measures .1mm. That leaves petty room for correction when the trigger is pulled, and a bb comes flying through the butt.

Earlier making a purchase decision, you should always do your homework to ensure that y'all're ownership the correct kind of ammo. There are a ton of resource that should guide you in making the correct blazon of purchase determination. Opinions tend to vary depending on who you lot enquire, only the following bb categorization has been deemed as safety to follow:


  • Airsoft Elite
  • M&G
  • KSC
  • Inertia
  • TSD
  • Excel
  • SIIS
  • Goldenball
  • Maruzen
  • Marushin
  • ICS
  • Bioshot
  • Bioval
  • Direct
  • Marui


  • Airstrike
  • Lasersoft
  • Softair
  • Cybergun

Despite the above listing, there are too many variables in the world of airsoft to categorize airsoft ammunition into "adept" or "poor" groupings. At that place are a lot of brands out in that location that fall somewhere in between "skilful" and "poor", and it'southward ofttimes quite hard to categorize them. If y'all're ever unsure of the quality of your ammunition, you should test it immediate.


Just similar ammunition for a real gun, airsoft ammo comes in varying weights. Keep in mind that airsoft armament is weighed in grams (one thousand).

The cardinal rule of thumb is to run high-quality armament through your gun at all times. Despite this, dissimilar guns may require different grades of ammunition. Typically, if your gun shots at a high fps, you lot should utilise heavier ammo for the sake of maintaining accurateness. This rule also applies when irresolute the Hop Upwards on your gun. The college the Hop Up, the heavier the BB.

Quite frankly, the just style you'll be able to truly examination to encounter which ammunition works with your specific weapon is to test it for yourself. No affair how many lists you read or videos yous watch on the field of study, testing for yourself is always the best route to go.


In the field of manufacturing, tolerance describes an adequate margin of error in the sizing and shape of parts made. This holds but equally true for airsoft ammo as it does for whatever other subject area. With that being said, you should never fall for those claims on bb packages that country that their ammo is "perfectly symmetrical" or something of a similar effect. It all comes down to tolerances during the production process.

Tracer Ammunition

To give airsoft tracer ammo the aforementioned visual outcome that we come to expect from its real analogue, it's used together with a "tracer unit". The tracer unit houses a flashbulb that engages the lite absorbing material coating the tracer round, causing it to glow in the dark. Tracer rounds are best used in situations with low light as they create an amazing visual display while aiding with accurateness.

8mm Ammunition

The vast majority of the airsoft community uses 6mm armament for their guns, but there are a few manufacturers (such as Marushin) that create weapons with an 8mm diameter. 8mm is both larger and heavier than many 6mm rounds and hits with a harder impact every bit a effect. Of course, just like with 6mm rounds, 8mm rounds vary in weight.

7mm Ammunition

It doesn't get whatever stranger than 7mm ammunition. This blazon of ammo might have been popular at some point in the by, but now information technology's odd shape, and even odder size makes information technology a rare sight indeed on modern-day airsoft fields. 7mm ammunition isn't exactly spherical. It's shaped more than like a conventional .177 quotient pb pellet. This type of ammo was used in the 1980s, in only sure types of spring powered guns. Despite the fact that this ammo was so unique and theoretically more stable than a typical round bb, manufacturers have quit producing the types of weapons that can fire 7mm ammunition. Furthermore, most guns that could fire 7mm ammunition would be considered woefully underpowered past today's terms, firing at around just 70fps.

*this information was supplied past justpistols.britain

 Ammunition Index

The following list will attempt to compile airsoft ammunition based on weight, size, and manufacturer.



i. 1st Target Delight two. 1st Target Bio 3. Airstrike 4. BCB Airblister five. Cybergun 6. CYMA 7. HFC viii. Lasersoft nine. Matrix 10. Matrix Glowin-the-dark 11. P Forcefulness 12. Sansei 13. Softair 14. STTI xv. TFC xvi. Tokyo Marui 17. UK Artillery


one. 1st Target


1. UHC two. 1st Target Smooth 3. 1st Target Colo


i. 1st Target 2. TFC




1. 1st Target Color 2. 1st Target Polish


i. 1st Target Colour 2. 1st Target three. Equalizer Devil 4. Crosman 5. Echo 1 USA 6. HFC vii. ICS 8. King Arms 9. King Airsoft Super King 10. Rex Airsoft Rough xi. 1st Target Smooth 12. AIM Peak 13. Airsoft Aristocracy 14. BCB 15. BCB New Generation 16. Bioval BBBFLUO 17. Bioval BIO xviii. Biostar BB 19. Excel 20. Excel biodegradable 21. Excel biodegradable tracer 22. G&G BioDegradeable BB 23. Chiliad&G P.S.B.B. 24. Gameface 25. Gameface Verdict 26. Gameface Verdict BIO 27. Greendevil BB Platinum 28. LH 29. Madbull Biodegradable 30. Matrix 31. Matrix Glowin-the-dark 32. P-Force Biodegradable BB 33. PHX Elite 34. PHX BIO Super King BIO 35. TFC 36. TSD Tactical BIO 37. Ultimate BB 38. We 39. Xtreme Shot -BIOX


ane. Western Arms


ane. AIM TOP 2. Airsoft Elite 3. Echo i USA BB iv. Matrix 5. Matrix Bio-degradable


1. AIM Pinnacle 2. Matrix iii. Airsoft Elite 4. Blaster 5. Echo 6. USA BB 7. Excel 8. G&G Biodegradable ix. G&1000 P.S.B.B. 10. Aureate Brawl 11. Madbull 12. Matrix 13. Dark Knight 14. TSD


1. Bioval BBBMax


1. 1000&M Biodegradable ii. Yard&M P.S.B.B. 3. We 4. Repeat 1 USA BB 5. Matrix


1. Maruzen Super Grand Master ii. KSC Grand Champion


1. Bioval 2. Matrix three. Madbull 4. HFC 5. Tokyo Marui Superior Grade


1. 1st Target 2. P Force


1. Directly 2. Madbull 3. Nosotros


1. Madbull Ultimate Heavyweight two. Matrix three. WE


one. Madbull Ultimate Heavyweight 2. PHX iii. TFC 4. WE


1. Madbull


i. Bioval


ane. Piper's Precision Products

How to Load the Mp5 Beta Mag Airsoft

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